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Writer's pictureChristina Basso

Our Story as an Instagram caption.

Updated: Mar 1, 2023

Our story is like a movie in so many ways with the happiest ending.

We met so innocently, falling in love young, not knowing exactly what we had. Every handheld, kiss we shared, and hug that was given was never forgotten between us.


Those memories remained, safely filed away, in our hearts. Over time, we drifted away and saw other people, yet we were always searching for that spark, that feeling, and a genuine connection. We ended up on different paths, yet the paths always crossed because our love would bring us back together. We both prayed we could be together and held on to that hope.

Fast forward to today, after 15+ years we realized what and who had been missing. It was you, all along. It was always going to be you. No matter who I was with, I always came back to the constant, the gentleman, the one who treated me like gold with no effort.

We get to laugh together for life, while we reminisce on our first kiss, our first time holding hands, and all of our favorite memories that we both never forgot. We always were inseparable and could spend hours talking, our hearts smiling.

They say some things never change. Our hearts never did. We get to hold each other finally, knowing it is right. We get to laugh, to cry, to be in love, to sing our favorite songs out loud, to be the silliest, to dance the night away, to talk about our pain, and our struggles while our hearts are completely full, once again. There’s a chapter straight from our fairytale. #soulmates #love #sandiego


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